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      News and information


      Information required when ordering gear hobs

      2021-08-27 11:19:57 jiangxingTools 1318

      Information required when ordering gear hobs

      gear hob.png

      ? Normal module/OP
      ? No. of teeth
      ? Normal pressure angle
      ? Helix angle and hand
      ? Outside diameter
      ? Root diameter
      ? Amount of tip chamfer- lf applicable
      ? Root-fiat/full fillet
      ? Tip relief details- lf applicable
      ? DOP or MOT sizes at hobbing and finishing stage
      ? Material and hardness at hobbing stage

      types of gear hobs.png

      HOB DATA

      ? Overall size - OD x Length x Bore
      ? No. of starts
      ? Hand ofthreads
      ? Type - Finishing/preshave/pregrinding/roughing
      ? Type of profile - Nontopping/semitopping/full topping
      ? Class of accuracy
      ? Amount of shaving/grinding allowance wherever applicable


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