Features of Gear Cutting Hobs
2021-07-15 10:17:21
Features of Gear Cutting Hobs
1, Cutting action for module gear hobbing,
2, Inclination angle of gear hob Cutter,
3,Methods and Compaison for Gear Hobber Cutter,
please contact us for more details on high precision gear cutting hobs.
- PA20° PCD 240mm β5° Disk Type Conventional Gear Shaving Cutter with Module m2~m8
- Plunge Cut Shaving Cutter
- Shank Type Worm Wheel Hob with Module m2.5
- RS40 Roller Chain Sprocket Hob with Pitch 12.7 x Roller Dia. 8.51
- HSS M2 M35 Material DIN3972 BP2 Module Gear Cutting Hob Cutter with PA20°
- PA20° HSS M2 Material DIN3972 BP2 Module DP Involute Gear Hob Cutter with TiN Coating
- HSS Erasteel Bohler M35 Material DP and Module Gear Hob Cutter with AP Coating