Gear hob for timing pulley
2021-07-01 16:20:39
Gear hob for timing pulley
timing pulley profile
please contact us for more details of timing pulley hob on our new website.
- PA20° Module m6.5 Standard Involute Gear Cutter Hob
- Timing Pulley Hob for (AT.)D.T AT10
- PA20° Profile DIN3972 Standard Gear Hobbing Cutter with Module m4.25
- PA20° DP5 Standard Involute Gear Cear Hob with BPⅡ
- ?PA20° PCD 50mm Bowl Type Gear Shaper Cutter with Module m1~m3.5
- PA20° Pre-shave Gear Hob with Module m6.5
- PA20° PCD 200mm Disc Type Gear Shaper Cutter with Module m8~m12